One Service at 10:00a on January 1.



the women's ministry at crossway exists to help women bring glory to god through the transforming power of the gospel of jesus christ in ways that develop and uphold the values and virtues of biblical womanhood.

restore retreat 2025

saturday, march 1

Please join us for our Restore Women's Retreat for women (college age and up) this coming March 1, 2025. We will worship, fellowship, and hear from God's word through Glenna Marshall, author of The Promise is His Presence, Memorizing Scripture, and Everyday Faithfulness for a one-day retreat. Glenna will speak over 3 sessions on growing in faithfulness, remaining faithful in the mundane of life, and faithfulness in suffering. We will gather for one day (doors open at 9:00a, wrap up by 7:00p) at Camp Hickory, Ingleside, IL, about 20 minutes from the CrossWay building.

Register early (by January 19) for $50 and by February 9 for $60. Lunch, snacks, coffee bar, dinner, and giveaways included. There will be a rest and relaxation time in the afternoon featuring homemade treats, a coffee bar, games (bring your competitive spirit), and a bonfire.

We hope you can set aside this day to join your fellow CrossWay women to fellowship, learn, and relax together. Let us know if the registration cost is a burden you cannot bear; conversely, let us know if you'd like to scholarship someone. The retreat is primarily for CrossWay women but you can invite a friend. Registration, open December 14, is easiest online HERE or see us in the lobby on Sundays in January and February. 

Women's winter bible study
Steadfast through Suffering: Seeing God in Job

Join us for our Winter Bible Study, Steadfast through Suffering: Seeing God in Job. In this study, we’ll address hard questions about God’s purposes in suffering and learn how we can remain steadfast in suffering because God is faithful and steadfast.

We’ll meet in the lobby on Wednesdays, January 29-April 16, from 9:00a–11:00a OR you can sign up to join a remote group or do the study virtually at your own pace. Register in the lobby on Sundays, December 29 until January 19. The study materials are available for purchase at the bookstore. Childcare on Wednesday mornings for ages 0-5 is provided. Mothers are asked to serve once per study in childcare.

Please make sure to sign up early and get your study materials so you can get a running start on your homework for Week 1. The homework for this study is a bit more involved, so we want to make sure you have plenty of time to work on it before our first class.

If you are interested in hosting a study in your home, please contact Chelsea Stanley or Kim Wendle.

Watch the introductory video to Job linked below in preparation for the study.
Steadfast through Suffering: Seeing God in Job

women's book club

12 Faithful Women
Edited by M. Kruger & K. Wetherell
February 21, 2025, 6:00p-9:00p

Our biographical book selection this winter will bolster your faith as you encounter the lives, struggles, and steadfast endurance of 12 faithful women of history. Register in the lobby, purchase your book at the bookstore for $3 while supplies last, and join a small group of women in a home near yours for dinner and a good discussion. A $5 donation to your hostess is appreciated to cover the dinner expense. This event is designed to help us meet one another and make a new friend as well as learn from a good book. Contact Jeanne Ames with questions at

spring women's event
be still & wait~ meditating on God's word


Do you desire to have a heart that is undistracted and focused on the Lord? Join other women of CrossWay on April 12, 2025 at 9:00a as we learn how to be still, wait, and cultivate an undistracted heart through learning how to meditate on scripture. Join us for a light breakfast, worshiping in song together, listening to teaching from Bev Bullmore on "Meditating on God's Word", and fellowship with other women.

There will not be childcare.