One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

memorize scripture


Current passage

romans 6:23

"for the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of god is eternal life in christ jesus our lord."

Theme for 2025: Gospel Foundations

Memorizing these great truths will keep us focused on the gospel and all the blessings we have received in Christ, and instruct us how to live as God's new people.

Bible memorization is absolutely fundamental to spiritual formation. If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose Bible memorization, because it is a fundamental way of filling our minds with what it needs. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth. That’s where you need it! How does it get in your mouth? Memorization. 
Dallas Willard

How Can I Memorize? 

1.   Read the passage several times without trying to memorize it.

2.  Repeat the passage aloud, working on one phrase at a time. Once you’ve memorized one phrase go on to the next until you know the whole passage. Be sure to begin and end with the reference whenever you recite your verse.

3.  Write the passage down. This will help you review and concentrate more intently on what you want to remember.

4.  Review regularly. Go over new verses every day, several times during the day if possible. Take your cards with you. Review while exercising, folding laundry, waiting in line, etc.

5.  Partner up. Find someone you can recite your verse to each week. Make it a standing appointment (each Sunday at church, small group meeting, or by phone on Friday at noon). This commitment will increase your motivation and help you keep going. It will also encourage your partner.

what about the kids?

Memorizing as a family is a great way to train your children in the Lord.
ELEMENTARY KIDS  (2nd – 5th Grade) recite these same passages during their CrossWay Kids classes.

YOUNGER CHILDREN (Preschool-1st Grade) memorize one verse per month from the CrossWay Foundation Verses.

Look for the take home sheet sent home with your child each Sunday or click the buttons below. On the front is the verse for the week. On the back are suggestions on how to explain the verse to your child. Post it on the refrigerator as a reminder to be working on your verses during the week.

other passages

The CrossWay pastors have prayerfully selected 100 passages of Scripture that will strategically impact your life as a Christian. We divided these up into a 4-year cycle of verses – 25 passages each year – that we are memorizing as a church.

Why? Because we want to store up God’s truth in our hearts. 100 passages may seem unattainable. But you can do it; one passage every 2 weeks, 25 passages a year, over 4 years.
Year 1: Gospel Foundations. Each passage in year 1 is focused on the gospel of Jesus Christ. These verses help us live in the goodness of the gospel ourselves, and share it effectively with others.

Year 2: Pursue Holiness. All of the passages in year 2 will help us grow in holiness by becoming more like Jesus in our actual lives.

Year 3: Faithful to All His Promises. As believers, God has given us his great and precious promises for our good and for our growth in godliness. He calls us to trust in his faithfulness, day by day, as we learn to rely on his promises.

Year 4: Great is the Lord. Each verse highlights a different attribute of God’s character. Knowing these truths – God is attentive, God is merciful, God is sovereign – will help us respond to any situation we may face with increased faith and confidence in God.